Learning Management System

The ultimate online learning platform for instructors of all disciplines.
Become a global educator. Learn from anywhere, at any time.

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Setup & organize
course portal

Install academy in a few easy steps. Setup course website by setting up payment information, paypal or stripe. Setup youtube and vimeo api keys for video lessons. Set your purchase code for product verification. Setup instructor and smtp settings. Create categories for courses.

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Create course,
lessons, quizzes

Our platform offers an advanced section and lessons manager, allowing instructors to create courses with ease. The curriculum and other settings of a course are organized intuitively, making it simple for anyone to start teaching. With user-friendly tools and streamlined processes, course creation becomes a seamless experience, empowering instructors to share their knowledge effectively.

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Students enroll to courses & start learning

Students have the flexibility to enroll in their preferred courses, with plenty of filtering options available to choose the right course for their purpose. A dedicated "My Courses" page allows students to access their purchased course list conveniently. Learning can commence or resume seamlessly from any device, at any time, and from anywhere. Additionally, students can save courses to their wishlist for future purchase, ensuring they never miss out on valuable learning opportunities.

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Payout commission to instructors

The admin has the option to allow public instructors to create and submit courses. Revenue generated from these courses can be split according to the site's commission rate. Once an instructor creates a course, the admin must approve it before it can be made available for sale. The admin can then manage payouts to the instructor, distributing revenue based on the agreed-upon commission rate. This system ensures fair compensation for instructors while maintaining control and oversight for the admin.

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Watch revenue report, build up your own business

A detailed payment report is readily available within the administrative panel, providing comprehensive insights into financial transactions. The report includes options to view data date-wise, facilitating a clear understanding of business growth and course enrollment status over time. This feature empowers administrators to make informed decisions and track the success of their platform with ease.

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